virtual study pod
We will be discussing the Deportation Defense Manual and learning new skills and tools to adopt to our work advocating for our community.
Interested in joining the study pod? Sign up here

hello spring! queens nature trail
Join us for a community walk through Forest Park. This is free and open to all.
Sunday March 30 at 1pm at Forest Park in Queens
Interested in joining? Sign up here

Art BUild for May Day Rally
We will make art for MAY DAY 2025 rally. Lets make it loud and clear, immigrants are welcome here!!
Are you interested in making art together for the rally?
Sign up here for details
When: April 9
Where: NYC

virtual study pod
We will be discussing the Deportation Defense Manual and learning new skills and tools to adopt to our work advocating for our community.
Interested in joining the study pod? Sign up here

Virtual educator space
April 25 at 5PM
How to Build Community for Your Students by Hosting Multilingual Spaces
MAY 9 at 5PM
ICE & Our Schools: What Does a 2025 Sanctuary School Look Like?
MAY 30 at 5PM
How to Engage Your Principal in Migrant Student Justice Work?

May Day Rally
Thursday May 1st is May Day or international workers day. Lets make it loud and clear, immigrants are welcome here!!
Are you interested in marching with others who support immigrant rights and justice?
When: Thrs May 1st
Where: Union Sq, NYC

Virtual educator space
April 25 at 5PM
How to Build Community for Your Students by Hosting Multilingual Spaces
MAY 9 at 5PM
ICE & Our Schools: What Does a 2025 Sanctuary School Look Like?
MAY 30 at 5PM
How to Engage Your Principal in Migrant Student Justice Work?

Virtual educator space
April 25 at 5PM
How to Build Community for Your Students by Hosting Multilingual Spaces
MAY 9 at 5PM
ICE & Our Schools: What Does a 2025 Sanctuary School Look Like?
MAY 30 at 5PM
How to Engage Your Principal in Migrant Student Justice Work?

Virtual info session
This will be an info session to talk about the latest immigration updates and how they can impact us. Text to sign up: 347-309-5789
women's strike nyc fest
Our advocacy team will be joining the women’s strike nyc fest as a team to protect and support each other. At this festival there will be: performances, speakers, resource tables, and art activities.
If you want to attend with our advocacy team text: 347-309-5789

Virtual Meeting for Immigrant Students, Families, and Educators
Join NYSYLC’s Teach Dream and Dream Team Network for our virtual meeting. We will have:
Educator Resource Sharing Room
Family Emergency Preparedness Room
Student Emotional Support Group
Student Art Making Room
Junta Virtual Para Estudiantes Inmigrantes, Sus Familias, Y Educadores
7 de Febrero, 2025 | 5:00-6:00 PM
Intercambio de recurosos para educadores
Preparación familiar para emergencies
Grupo de apoyo emocional para estudiantes
Creación de arte para estudiantes
Regístrese para obtener el enlace:

Organizing Team Virtual Info Session
Are you interested in joining our Organizing Circle? Text us!

NYSYLC Community Day
Bring a friend, share a meal, find community, learn about your rights as an immigrant, find out how to get involved! There will be multiple sessions like KYR Training, Arts & Crafts and Support Group, running throughout the event.

Election Watch Party
We will watch the election results, share a meal, talk politics, some spiraling. Join us!

Advocacy Team Virtual Meeting
This is an interest meeting for people who want to join an advocacy team and advocate for more paid opportunities for undocumented immigrants.

Book Talk - Amplifying Black Undocumented Student Voices
Join us for a discussion with Felecia S. Russell, author of Amplifying Black Undocumented Student Voices in Higher Education.

Undocu Student Meet Up
Come meet other Immigrant and undocumented high school students from across NYC! We’ll have food, prizes and activities.

Virtual Chat: Deferred Action + Labor Violations
DHS Announces New Whistleblower Protections for Immigrant Workers.
Aspen Challenge Brooklyn
Our Co-Directors Jackie Muller and Angy Rivera will join the Aspen Challenge this month to work with youth on solutions to some of our society's biggest issues. Get more details of the event here.
Volunteer Orientation
We will have two virtual volunteer orientations. On Feb 5 and Feb 12.
Text to JOIN: (347) 309-5789

Undocu Adulting Workshops
UndocuAdulting 101 - is a series of workshops for undocumented youth without working papers.
Aquí y allá: art and activism against borders
Join us for a showcase of creative works by members of Otros Dreams en Actión (ODA)

IYECon 2023: Undocu Hustle
Register for our all day conference! The Immigrant Youth Empowerment Conference will be full of resources and connections for undocumented and immigrant youth, educators and allies.
Film Premiere: "Unseen"
Unseen interweaves the experiences of disability, immigration and mental health, through the story of Pedro, an aspiring social worker. Details below.
Borderless Bowling 2023
Join us at our Borderless Bowling tournament, a fundraiser supporting NYC’s undocumented immigrant youth!
DACA Info Session + Support Group
We will be hosting an information session breaking down the recent DACA ruling with NYU Law.
Dream Team Network: New Membership Orientation
Are you a high school or college student interested in building community and making friends? Join our Dream Team Network’s new membership orientation!
Date: THURSDAY, Sept 28 at 5pm
Address: 1460 Broadway NY, NY 10036 12FL
Sign up: bit.ly/InterestDTN
Follow us on Instagram: @nysylc_dtn
Happy Hour
Come enjoy an evening with cool folks! This happy hour is for anyone who supports our work or wants to get to know us some more.
Undocu Academy
Our year long college readiness program for NYC undocumented high school seniors is accepting applications for the new cohort!
Shape the Future of NYSYLC
Fill out our survey and help shape the future of the NYSYLC.
Dorney Park
Join our all day trip to Dorney Park! Ticket includes: round trip, park entrance, a meal voucher and snacks. 16+.
Undocu Summer 2023
Open to all who want to get involved in our work and support immigrant rights.
JULY Events: a student picnic, a hike, a baddies at the park clothing swap.
Undocu Prom Fundraiser
We are fundraising for Undocu Prom! We want to celebrate ourselves and past alumni for their accomplishments. The evening will begin with a small ceremony honoring this year's graduates. This event is for students who were a part of our Undocu Academy and Dream Teams.
Spring Undocu Meet Up
This is a space for students and immigrant advocates to build connections.
Virtual Launch: A Framework for Immigrant Liaisons
Virtual Guide Launch
A Framework for Immigrant Liaisons
Join us during this virtual launch of our guide “A Framework for Immigrant Liaisons”
This guide documents the work we’ve done at NYSYLC with our educator team, Teach Dream, in starting the first immigrant liaison program in New York. An Immigrant Liaison is a position in a school created to offer support for immigrant students, families and caregivers across the state, especially those who are undocumented. The guide provides extensive guidance on how to develop, implement, fund, and support immigrant liaisons at schools.
Alongside our partner, CUNY-IIE, we are excited to invite you to this virtual launch on:
Monday, March 27, 2023
6:00pm - 7:00pm ET
via Zoom
This guide was a collaboration between Teach Dream, the educator team at the New York State Youth Leadership Council (NYSYLC) and New York University (NYU) School of Law Immigrants’ Rights Clinic (IRC), with support from the CUNY-Initiative on Immigration and Education.