1. Train The Trainers: Know Your Rights Workshop

Find it here

2. Know your rights Printable cards

English | Spanish | Chinese | Korean | Arabic | Vietnamese

3. Know Your Rights Handouts

Explains who is at risk of an ICE arrest and your rights when interacting with ICE officers. Available in 16 languages.  English and Spanish updated February 2025, other languages are currently being updated.

English | Spanish | Arabic | Bangla | French | Haitian Creole | Hebrew | Hindi | Korean | Simplified Mandarin | Traditional Mandarin | Portuguese | Punjabi | Russian | Tagalog | Urdu

4. Know Your Rights - ICE Home Raids Handout

Explains your rights with ICE in the home, what to say to an agent at the door, and what to document if ICE comes to your home

English | Spanish | French | Korean | Simplified Mandarin | Traditional Mandarin | Tagalog

5. Deportation Defense Manual

English | Spanish

6. Videos in english and spanish | Know Your Rights /Conozca Sus Derechos

Together with Action Group Network we created a Safety Plan Video that can be distributed to undocumented families about the importance of knowing their rights and having a safety action plan.

Junto con Action Group Network creamos un Video del Plan de Seguridad que puede ser distribuido a familias indocumentadas sobre la importancia de conocer sus derechos y tener un plan de acción de seguridad.