NYSYLC and Brooklyn College Immigrant Student Success Office
2023 Spring Undocu Meet Up
APRIL 25th @ Brooklyn College CUNY
The goal of this Undocu Student Meet Up is to create community outside of our school. Especially for many new immigrant youth in international high schools to be able to see more young people like them. A fun day of activities, prizes, food, and getting to know each other. This will also be an opportunity for people to visit the Brooklyn College Campus and get to know the Immigrant Success Office there.
2:30PM Brooklyn College Campus Tour
Where: Brooklyn College Roosevelt Hall Campus Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11210
3:30PM Meet the Brooklyn College Immigrant Student Success Office
4:00PM Undocu Student Meet Up Begins
Where: Student Center Building (2705 Campus Rd Brooklyn, NY 11210) Penthouse
4:20PM Student Space
Welcome and Speakers
Maria Vera, Community Organizer, New York State Youth Leadership Council
Sergio Leon Hidalgo, Student Representative, Brooklyn College Immigrant Student Success Office
Lorena Modesto, President, CCNY Dream Team
Educator Space
Connect with others and get involved
Jae Berlin, International High School at Prospect Heights
Juan Carlos Perez, International High School at Union Square
Laura Pamplona, Sunset Park High School
4:40PM Food and light networking
5:10PM Activity and prizes: Get to know each other activities
5:40PM Closing
Maria Vera, Community Organizer, New York State Youth Leadership Council
6PM Undocu Meet Up Ends