Guide: A Framework For Immigrant Liaisons
Immigrant Liaison also known as "ImmLiaison" was funded through CUNY-IIE's collaboration with the New York State Youth Leadership Council (NYSYLC) and our educator team, Teach Dream, to start the first immigrant liaison program in New York. The hope of this work is to create Immigrant Liaison positions across New York City schools to support the needs of immigrant students, families, and caregivers across the state, especially those who are undocumented.
What is an Immigrant Liaison?
An immigrant liaison is a part-time (or possibly full-time, if needed) position in a school created to offer support for immigrant, and especially undocumented, students and their families and caregivers. This team spent the 2020-2021 school year developing the immigrant liaison position and, in the spring of 2021, implementing a pilot program with immigrant liaisons in three New York City public high schools. In the spring of 2022, the team expanded the program to two NYC public middle schools.
A Pilot Program by the New York State Youth Leadership Council
This guide includes a description of the immigrant liaisons pilot program, examples of the work done, and how that work was supported by the NYSYLC through monthly meetings and a youth fellowship.
This report has not been reviewed by the New York State Education Department.
A Guide for School Educators
This guide is intended for school staff and community members who are interested in creating an immigrant liaison position at their school. This guide includes:
A description of the immigrant liaison position
Typical duties and responsibilities of an immigrant liaison
Tips on creating an immigrant liaison position at your school, including what to consider in the selection process, how to fund
the position, and where to look for support outside of your school
Suggestions from the immigrant liaisons in the pilot program on how to get started
This report has not been reviewed by the New York State Education Department.