Apply for NYSYLC's Undocu-Hustle Grant by August 14, 2021


The goal of the NYSYLC Undocu-Hustle Grant is to provide undocumented immigrant entrepreneurs, who are current or aspiring business owners, with funding that will help them achieve their business goals. The maximum amount of funding that will be awarded per business is $1,000.

Please note, all questions are addressed to the business owner.
*Keep in mind we accept one application per business

Eligibility Guidelines

To qualify for this grant you must:

  1. Be a New York State-based business

  2. Be less than 5 years of operation or brand new/new concept (meaning business does note need to have launched yet).

  3. Be undocumented owned or co-owned (An undocumented immigrant is someone who entered the U.S. without inspection, or stayed longer than their visa permitted, therefore falling out of approved status to remain in the country. Includes DACA / TPS recipients.)

  4. Be at least 15 years old to apply.

Deadline: August 14, 2021

Funding Priorities

Applications will be prioritized based on NYSYLC organizational values as we create a values-driven grant program.

  1. We are a Women-led organization therefore Women-owned businesses are prioritized.

  2. We are Queer-inclusive therefore Queer-owned businesses are prioritized

  3. We acknowledge the variety of intersectionalities/identities around immigration which include (but are not limited to): age, racial justice, reproductive health, religious freedom.

The NYSYLC prioritizes individuals and businesses that have never applied for funding for their businesses or have had other opportunities to apply for funding in the past. First-time business grant applicants will be prioritized.

Applying to the Grant

  • Keep in mind we accept one application per business.

  • This grant is not limited to the English speaking community, we accept applications filled out by translators on behalf of the applicant.

  • The $1,000 New York State Youth Leadership Council business grant is not a relief fund for businesses but an investment.

  • We do not expect a report back or follow-up.

  • Will accept applications completed by translators for people who do not speak English.

Apply at or click the link below!

Questions? Please email ximena [at]


NY Dream Act One-on-One Sessions Until August 17, 2021


Educators: Register Now for Teach Dream's Workshops & Info sessions